Open This Part of Me

The brevity of human life seems to conquer the minds of individuals with senses of hope and motivation. Time, an indefinite structure that governs our lives, captures the essence of purpose as it takes precedence over other intrinsic values. After developing a true understanding of the concept and foundation of time, the mind elicits a response to the establishment of this world, and the significance of our dwelling presence. Presented from the mind is a progressive query that demands justification for aspiration, individuality, personal achievement, progress and purpose. It is with great dignity that I, a feeble man and inquisitive believer of Christ, present to you an approach to the promising paths of true purpose, to which enlightenment is attained through the everlasting gospel in the Word of God. This method of proceeding calls for the act of “surrenderance” to Christ: a spiritual commitment and submission to the will of God, recognized as an acceptance concerning the offer of salvation gifted to humanity.

What Does it Mean to Surrender to Christ? 

After his death on the cross, Jesus is sealed in the depths of human development and progression as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of mankind and its disobedience to the law of God. This ultimate sacrifice grants the sinner access to the divine talents of the most righteous, a God of impartial love and unwavering grace, through the act of repentance. After the sinner recognizes the disobedience and corruption in their lives, and is hopeful towards salvation and liberty from a life of sin, they are then transformed “by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost,” (Titus 3:5) and ultimately “made heirs according to the hope of eternal life,” (7) prescribed to the human race by God through Jesus Christ. We, as fallen and naturally disobedient members of mankind, are the rightful heirs to this prescription, as we are presented with the gift of eternal life, and are made believers following our acceptance of this gift. Eventually, after being purified by the holiness of God’s nature, the believer must face the formidable conflicts of self-dependency and unrighteous habit versus moral temperance and spiritual discipline; Jesus confers himself as the solution to this conflict. Surrendering is simply saying “yes” to Jesus when he calls for you to let go of these habits, addictions and harmful possessions. Jesus says that “if any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” (Matthew 16:24). The words of Christ must be comprehended in its fullest sense, as he not only communicates self-denial to the believer, but also the withstanding of tribulations in the Christian life when picking up the cross. What does following Jesus mean? Based on his teachings, and his fulfillment of the law of God through a life of purity and holiness, we can reasonably infer that following Jesus means obedience to the word and the perfect will of God. Rest assured, it is a promise that “whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25). The believer must realize that surrendering to Jesus is a freewill decision that signifies commitment and obedience to a life that may yield suffering or no reward, letting it be a circumstance of life or death for Christ’s sake.

A Season of Spiritual Growth 

While the divine abilities of God are illuminated in the life of the believer through Jesus Christ, a nature of understanding in the most blissful sense is revealed as it recognizes the presence of an omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent spiritual entity. This personable and unique experience sparks in the mind of the believer a beginning of rationalization pointed towards a supervision that is unseen and immaterial, yet strikingly noticeable; An event so peculiar invites the daunting awe of a theological inquiry: How powerful is the living God and what solidifies our access, as his creation, to his divinity? The answer is simple when considering the intellectual principles and teachings in the life of Jesus–faith and belief are the inherent foundations of the believer’s relationship and intimacy with God, as it establishes the basis of his supreme and miraculous nature. To face the trial of the mind regarding the sovereignty of God is to grant the mind a deeper understanding, which acknowledges that “without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6). When understanding faith as an act of diligence, believers are made impressionable as the divine persuasion of God molds and inspires the heart and mind. Henceforth, the Holy Spirit of God, having created a personable experience in the life of the believer, offers a gift of companionship and security in this unique event. Embracing this trust and connecting with this divine presence relieves the believer from spiritual ignorance and enriches them with a desire to pursue truth; this gift of understanding utilizes the mind of the believer to construct an obedient life in them, aware of true purpose and binding to hope. In our faith must lie the consideration and realization of God’s relationship to man; his presentation of confounding works through supernatural counsel must not be taken in vain. God reveals his characteristics of grace and power with desires to cement the trust of his people. Trusting in our own abilities to provide remedies for troubling circumstances does nothing but subvert this grace and power, as we willfully decide to refuse his contribution. Living by faith can only lead to blessed assurance in a life surrendered to Christ, and surely this faith will subdue the consciousness and enlighten the mind, then being made testifiable unto each individual account as a display of God’s divine ability. Ultimately, when facing the plight of choosing to live a surrendered life, one must consider these conditions: If my faith is not in God, do I truly believe he is all powerful? If my faith is not in God, do I truly believe he is the most righteous? If my faith is not in God, do I truly believe that he is capable of all things? 

The Call to Surrender 

Throughout all engagement and devotion to pleasure and comfort, there rests a desire to surrender. The act of submission is never lacking in its counterpart of sacrifice, and if not mentioned, the act of sacrifice would be overlooked as the foundation of this phenomenon. Picture a battle between two vengeful nations–in the event that one nation subdues the other, at some excruciating point, the losing nation must surrender to the forces of the other. By submitting to the power and rule of the conquering nation, the losing nation willingly sacrifices their resources, manpower and all aspects of dignity. When stated plainly, an act of submission requires an equal act of sacrifice. How then must the believer make this connection in their life? Understanding that surrendering to Jesus requires voluntary acts of personal sacrifice–whether this be time, money, relationships or even habitual behavior–will engage the believer in acts of faith, leading them to embrace a vibrant trust in the power of God. The application is simple–upon the endeavor to develop trust and confidence in Christ, the believer must first be made aware of the sacrificial behavior in their current way of living–most importantly, sacrificial behavior that fails to regard the law of God. We must understand that “the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be” (Romans 8:7). The sinner who lives in submission to their carnal mind, or otherwise recognized as a fleshly, lustful or reprobate mind, embraces their sin rather than reproving its destruction, leading them to actively oppose the grace and love of God. Therefore, we can logically reason that one who devotes their life to their own mind and ability, is set to habitually expunge the mind and ability of God. Paul himself experiences this structure of events, communicating that sin “wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead” (Romans 7:8). The saying “ignorance is bliss” pairs beautifully with this concept, as one who lives in ignorance of the Law of God, has no regard for it. Nevertheless, the believer who acknowledges this law and instead surrenders to Christ, voluntarily eliminates the quarrel that exists between them; Accepting the gift of salvation provided through Jesus unites the believer with the spirit of God, leaving a peaceful bond that embraces his love. 

Living in Remembrance

Let the presence of the spirit of God humbly open these parts of your mind and soul, and ask yourself, am I willing to sacrifice all that I have to secure the everlasting favor of the Most High, and am I aware of the value in this favor? God requires your faith–his outstretched hands relentlessly search for the love of his creation, but how true is our love without trust? Consider the seasons of your life spent aimlessly questioning your purpose, as if you possessed the solution to all things. Our mishandling of our tribulations, and misdirection of our emotions construct enticing pathways that entertain our self-righteousness, but is it truly wise to entrust ourselves with the capabilities of our Creator? Our lives demand much more than temporary pleasure and senseless desire. Your faith in Jesus Christ will grant you the strength and understanding required to conquer this world. Aim to live in remembrance of the life-giving law of God, and trust that he will provide a way for you.

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